Team Schedule
No experience? No worries!
We can provide a paddle and personal flotation device (PFD). Message us before attending your first water training.
Bring beachwear, including swim trunks or shirts, flip-flops or Crocs. Protect yourself from the sun and splashing water and remember sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat.
Always hydrate. Don't forget a bottle of water!
Dragon Boat Practice (Water Training)
Saturdays @ 7:45 AM in Long Beach
Sundays @ 7:45 AM in Long Beach
Outrigger Canoe (Water Training)
Varies by week. Contact us for details.
Perg Workouts (Land Training)
Mondays @ 7:00 PM in Monterey ParkTuesdays @ 6:00 PM in Buena ParkWednesdays @ 7:00 PM in Culver City